Monday, September 21, 2009

MARY's Fall Tips for the Fashion Savvy

Fall is here! No really, it is. The nonsense weather we are forced to endure in Greenville may make you feel like we are in the dead of summer, but Fall is in full swing and those cardigans, boots, jeans, and long sleeve tees are calling your name!

Waking up to a cool crisp day makes you want to pull out those stylish scarves and cozy sweaters, but you know by noon you’ll be wishing you had chosen to wear that relaxed summer top instead. This weather dilemma makes shopping a nightmare. All you really want to do is hit up the sale rack for summer leftovers, but with Labor Day done and over, you know you’ll be making a major fashion faux pas! The trick to staying cool in the heat while still showing off those fall trends is transitional clothing!

Transitional clothing is not only perfect for Greenville weather, but it’s also a smart purchase. Wearable all year long, you’ll find that you're getting the most for your money by purchasing these items. MARY is ready to help you find these necessities while still staying in a reasonable budget.

Cardigans: Cardigans are at the top of MARY’s transitional clothing list. Throw one on in the morning while it’s still cool and as the weather warms up, while the day goes on, you can easily just toss it aside instead of sweating it out. Cardigans thrown over a basic tee can add instant style to any outfit.

Left: Bailey 44 grey fly-away cardigan paired with a Michael Stars draped tee
Right: BCBGeneration cream short sleeve cardigan paired with a Michael Stars shine tee

The Not-So-Summery-Summer Dress: Those light-weight summer dresses you’ve been living in for the past few months are not ready to be put away with the rest of your summer wardrobe. A dress that is a basic black, brown, or grey; or even any those darker shade prints can easily still be worn into Fall even if it was your go to dress this past July. Just add a pair of leggings or even your favorite Frye boot to make it feel a little more in season.
This Piko 1988 light-weight dress can be worn with leggings, boots, or even over jeans for Fall

The Faux Sweater: The sweater that won’t make you feel like you’re getting ready for another one of those South Carolina ice storms is the sweater you want! The key is leight-weight, short sleeve and loose fitting.

This 525 America sweater even has a cowl-neck that says “I’m ready for Fall but I’m still checking the weather channel before I leave the house.”

The Skirt: Investing in the perfect skirt is a smart move for the savvy shopper. While it’s still warm out pair your skirt with a simple tank. When the weather gets crisp transition over easily by pairing it with a long-sleeve tee and bootie.

This Leona skirt is a perfect example of a skirt that is easily worn season after season.
The Summer Look

The Fall Look

Stop by MARY and ask the girls to help you find the perfect transitional clothing and walk away with an outfit that will last for the seasons past and the seasons to come.

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